50 Growth Mindset Affirmations

mindset Feb 29, 2024

Do you know what one of the most common myths around a growth mindset is? 


That having a growth mindset is just about being positive all the time.


A lot of times people tell me that they don’t work on their mindset because they “don’t know how to” or that “this is just the way they are.”


But that’s not really the truth at all… 


The truth is that...


Learning how to change your mindset instead of staying STUCK where you are is worth doing the work. You simply just do it. That’s all there is to it. 


Creating a growth mindset can be easy if you understand how the subconscious mind works and how to start changing the way you think.


So let’s learn how you’re going to change your current mindset to a growth mindset. 


This blog is going to outline some easy, actionable steps that you can take starting today to cultivate a growth mindset and more! 


We’re going to cover - 


  • What is a growth mindset? 
  • Steps you can take to build a growth mindset 
  • The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset 
  • How to use growth mindset affirmations
  • 50 growth mindset affirmations to use 
  • Growth mindset journal prompts for you to try

Ready? Let’s jump in starting with the question that you're probably asking… 

What even is a Growth Mindset? 


A growth mindset refers to the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved over time through dedication, hard work, and learning. 


If you have a growth mindset you embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, see effort as a path to mastery, and you learn from criticism.


Embracing a growth mindset can also lead you to greater resilience, motivation, and ultimately, achievement in various areas of life, including academics, career, and personal development.


Recently one of my clients came to me and told me that she wanted to apply for her dream career and then she immediately launched into how “she wasn’t qualified, could never get the job, was feeling imposter syndrome,” and so on.


As we worked together to identify the strategy to apply for this job AND worked on her mindset she began to grow more confident and see that this position was possible for her. And guess what?! She got the job!! 


Working on a growth mindset will allow you to go for things that you used to hold yourself back from just like my client. 


Wondering how we were able to change her mindsdet in our time working together? I'm not keeping any secrets let's chat about the... 

Steps You Can Take To Build A Growth Mindset 


One of the easiest first steps you can take is to call out your fixed mindset and the traps you’ve been falling into.


Start to notice where you hold yourself back and what beliefs you tell yourself that don’t serve you. I always tell my clients…the hardest part is recognizing the behavior you don’t want to have any more and making the decision to do something about it.


And here are some additional steps to take to fully embrace a growth mindset - 


  1. Learn how to embrace challenges: Instead of avoiding difficult tasks, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone and tackle new experiences.


  1. Choose to persist in the face of setbacks: Understand that setbacks and failures are part of the learning process and really just a part of life. Instead of being discouraged by them, use them as opportunities to learn, adapt, and improve.


  1. See effort as the path to mastery: Value effort and hard work over innate talent. Recognize that consistent effort and dedication are essential for improvement and success.


  1. Be willing to learn from criticism: Instead of taking criticism personally, see it as constructive feedback that can help you identify areas for improvement. Use criticism as a tool for growth rather than a setback. I know that's easier to hear than to accept but one of the biggest hurdles to overcome is truly learning that criticism is okay and learning how to adapt and move foward from it. 


  1. Find inspiration in the success of others: Rather than choosing to feel threatened by the success of others, use it as motivation to learn from them and strive to improve yourself.


  1. Cultivate a love for learning: Approach new challenges with curiosity and a desire to learn. Continuously seek out opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills.


  1. Focus on the process, not just the outcome:  Instead of solely focusing on end results, pay attention to the progress you're making along the way. Celebrate small victories and milestones as indicators of growth and improvement.


  1. Develop resilience: Build resilience by practicing self-compassion and maintaining a positive outlook, even in the face of setbacks and obstacles.


When you start implementing and practicing these steps you’re going to change your current mindset to a growth mindset which will enable you to achieve your goals, help you step out of your comfort zone, and learn to receive “failure” as feedback and you're going to be able to navigate the challenges you face with more ease and grace! 


You know mindset is my whole thing so you knew I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to talk with you about… 




What is The Difference between a Fixed Mindset and a Growth Mindset? 


When I’m having conversations with people something that ALWAYS comes up in conversation when I happen to  mention I’m a Mindset Coach is fixed mindset vs. growth mindset.


I mean it’s a pretty popular topic in the mindset space and while these two types of mindset are not the only types of mindset (read this blog to learn more about the other types of mindset here) they are very popular topics. 


And you can assess right now which category you fall into. 


If you currently have a fixed mindset you have thoughts like the following - 


  • "I already know it all"  
  • "I don't need to practice"  
  • "I'll never be good at this" 
  • "Mistakes and failures are bad so I'm going to avoid them" 


versus if you have a growth mindset then you are having thoughts such as... 


  • "I want to learn"  
  • "I will keep trying"  
  • "Mistakes and failures are learning opportunities"


I'm sure you can see the difference between the two!  


The BIG difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset lies in how you perceive your  abilities, intelligence, and potential for growth. 


Here's a comparison:


  1. Beliefs about abilities: 

   - Fixed mindset: If you have a fixed mindset then you believe that your abilities and intelligence are innate traits that are fixed and unchangeable. You may believe that you are either naturally talented or not, and that there's little you can do to improve.


This always makes me think of when people say things like "I'm not good at drawing" or "I can't sing" - actually both of those things are possible if you put in the work and look at things through a the lense of a growth mindset. You absolutely can learn how to draw, sing, paint, start a business, etc! 


   - Growth mindset: In contrast the fixed mindset if you have a growth mindset you believe that abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved over time through effort, learning, and practice. You see challenges as opportunities to grow and believe in your capacity to improve with dedication and hard work.


Let's look at another example... 


  1. Response to challenges and setbacks:

   - Fixed mindset: If you have a fixed mindset you may avoid challenges or give up easily when faced with obstacles because you fear failure. You may view setbacks as evidence of your lack of ability and may become discouraged or defensive.


   - Growth mindset: If you have a growth mindset you embrace challenges and persist in the face of setbacks. You see setbacks as opportunities to learn, adapt, and improve. Instead of being discouraged by failure, you use it as motivation to try again and approach the problem from a different angle.


Okay now it’s time to talk about… 


How to use Growth Mindset Affirmations


Using growth mindset affirmations can be such a powerful way to reinforce positive beliefs about your ability to learn, grow, and overcome challenges.


But there’s a lottt of growth mindset affirmations out there so choose wisely when selecting your growth mindset affirmations and here’s how your going to use your favorite growth mindset affirmations - 


  • Make your chosen affirmations specific and actionable. You want to phrase your affirmations in a way that is specific and actionable. Instead of vague statements like "I am capable," try more specific affirmations like "I embrace challenges and learn from them" or "I persist in the face of setbacks. 


  • Repeat affirmations regularly. Consistency is TRULY key when using affirmations. Incorporate them into your daily routine by repeating them aloud or writing them down regularly. You can say them in the morning to set a positive tone for the day or use them as a mantra during challenging situations. This is how you're going to rewire your brain to fully embracing and believing the affirmations you repeat to yourself.


  • Visualize success: As you repeat your affirmations, visualize yourself embodying the qualities and behaviors described in them. Imagine yourself overcoming obstacles, learning new skills, and achieving your goals with determination and resilience.


  • Use affirmations to reframe negative thoughts: Whenever you notice yourself thinking in a fixed mindset or encountering self-doubt, use growth mindset affirmations to counteract those negative thoughts and do it then and there in the moment. Practice replacing self-limiting beliefs with affirmations that promote growth, learning, and self-empowerment.


  • Pair affirmations with action: Affirmations alone are not enough; they should be accompanied by consistent action. Use your affirmations as motivation to take steps toward your goals, whether it's studying, practicing, seeking feedback, or facing challenges head-on.


Don’t just collect growth mindset affirmations, write them down in a journal one time and forget them. If you really want to see your mindset change you’ll want to use your growth mindset affirmations on a regular basis! 


And I have great news… you don’t have to go hunting for growth mindset affirmations to choose! I have 50 growth mindset affirmations for you to select from! 


Read on… 

50 Growth Mindset Affirmations For You To Use


  1. I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.
  2. I am capable of learning and mastering new skills.
  3. Every mistake is a chance to learn and improve.
  4. I am resilient and bounce back stronger from setbacks.
  5. I believe in my ability to overcome obstacles.
  6. Effort and perseverance lead to success.
  7. I am constantly evolving and growing as a person.
  8. I am open to feedback and use it to improve myself.
  9. Challenges bring out the best in me.
  10. I face difficulties with courage and determination.
  11. I learn from my failures and use them to fuel my success.
  12. I am not limited by my past; I focus on what I can do now.
  13. I see setbacks as stepping stones to greater achievements.
  14. I am committed to continuous learning and self-improvement.
  15. I trust in my ability to figure things out.
  16. I am resourceful and find creative solutions to problems.
  17. I welcome change as an opportunity for growth.
  18. I believe in my potential to achieve my goals.
  19. I am in control of my own destiny.
  20. I approach challenges with a positive mindset.
  21. I am resilient in the face of adversity.
  22. I am not afraid to ask for help when I need it.
  23. I am becoming the best version of myself every day.
  24. I learn from criticism and use it to become better.
  25. I am patient and persistent in pursuit of my dreams.
  26. I believe in my ability to learn from any situation.
  27. I am adaptable and embrace uncertainty.
  28. I see setbacks as opportunities to grow stronger.
  29. I am worthy of success and happiness.
  30. I trust the process of growth and development.
  31. I celebrate my progress, no matter how small.
  32. I am resilient, flexible, and capable of handling anything.
  33. I am constantly expanding my comfort zone.
  34. I am worthy of love and respect, regardless of my accomplishments.
  35. I choose to focus on solutions rather than problems.
  36. I am not defined by my mistakes; I am defined by how I recover from them.
  37. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
  38. I am grateful for the opportunities for growth in my life.
  39. I approach challenges with curiosity and enthusiasm.
  40. I am the architect of my own destiny.
  41. I trust in my ability to adapt to whatever life throws my way.
  42. I am resilient, strong, and capable of overcoming any obstacle.
  43. I am constantly learning and growing from my experiences.
  44. I am worthy of success and happiness in all areas of my life.
  45. I am not afraid to take risks and try new things.
  46. I am resilient and can handle whatever comes my way.
  47. I believe in my ability to turn obstacles into opportunities.
  48. I am confident in my ability to succeed.
  49. I am committed to my own personal growth and development.
  50. I am a work in progress, and that's okay.


Feel free to customize these affirmations to fit your personal goals and aspirations, and repeat them regularly to reinforce a growth mindset in your daily life. And I’ve included some growth mindset journal prompts for you to try out as well. 


Check them out… 


10 Powerful Growth Mindset Journal Prompts 


  1. Reflect on a recent challenge or setback you faced. How did you respond to it, and what did you learn from the experience?


  1. Think about a skill or area of your life where you feel you have room for improvement. What steps can you take to develop and enhance this skill?


  1. Describe a time when you stepped outside of your comfort zone. What was the outcome, and what did you learn about yourself in the process?


  1. Consider a goal or aspiration you have for yourself. What actions can you take today to move closer to achieving that goal?


  1. Reflect on a piece of constructive feedback you received recently. How can you use this feedback to grow and improve?


  1. Think about a time when you faced a difficult situation but persisted despite the challenges. What strengths or qualities did you rely on, and how did they help you overcome the obstacle?


  1. Describe a mistake or failure you experienced that taught you a valuable lesson. How have you applied this lesson in other areas of your life?


  1. Consider a belief or mindset that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. How can you reframe this belief to promote growth and empowerment?


  1. Reflect on someone you admire who embodies a growth mindset. What qualities or behaviors do they exhibit, and how can you incorporate these into your own life?


  1. Imagine your ideal future self, fully embodying a growth mindset. What steps can you take today to align your actions with this vision and make it a reality?


These journal prompts can help you deepen your understanding of your own growth mindset and inspire you to take proactive steps towards personal and professional development. Feel free to explore additional prompts or adapt these to suit your individual needs and goals.


And one more thing before you go... 


Finding a mindset coach who is going to help you shift from a fixed mindset where you are - 


  • Feeling lost and confused in your life and career 
  • Struggling with mental health 
  • Dealing with low confidence
  • Feeling burnt-out 
  • At conflict with what you want to do but not following through 



  • Having a clear, aligned direction in your life 
  • Feeling less anxious, depressed, sad to feeling happy, carefree, and showing up as your best self 
  • Understanding what you really want and what truly matters to you  
  • Releasing the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back


 ...is exactly how I support my clients. 


My 1:1 mindset coaching is for the woman who…


  • You can’t explain why, but you just feel stuck — and you’re ready to start feeling free.
  • You’re tired of putting others before yourself (even though you love them, of course).
  • You suspect issues from your past are keeping you from living in the present.
  • You have trouble setting boundaries (but you know they’re important).
  • You’re curious about mindset, manifestation, and personal growth, but you don’t know where to begin.
  • You feel like you’ve lost sight of who you really are and what your identity is
  • You’re ready to break through limiting beliefs, show up as your highest self, and start dreaming big again!


Here’s what working together can do for you:


  • Have a safe space where you can open up, go deep, and ask all the questions.  
  • Create a customized plan to reach your life, work, and family goals.
  • Become a better mom, partner, colleague, or friend by setting boundaries that benefit all of you.
  • Learn practical coping skills you can use the rest of your life.
  • Heal your nervous system: no more fight or flight -  you'll learn skills for better emotional regulation, less stress, and learning to slow down
  • Do the deep work to change the thoughts, beliefs, behavior, and habits that were given to you during childhood
  • Gain clarity, (re)discover confidence, and literally change your life… for good!

When we work together 1:1 you’ll receive:


  • Weekly 1:1 calls
  • Unlimited text and email support during the week
  • A VIP weekend (when we work together for 6 months)
  • Accountability and support
  • Access to all live breathwork sessions
  • Access to my ‘Unstuck Mindset Accelerator’ program


When you work with me we will ensure that life feels really freaking good again! 


Want more info about my 1:1 mindset coaching? Go here for all the details!  


Not ready for 1:1 coaching but still want to stay connected and get more advice about somatic healing, mindset, breathwork, and more? Then you’ll want to join my email list! 


The Sacred Minute (my weekly newsletter) is one of my favorite things to send out every week!


It’s about taking a minute for yourself and your own personal growth - I truly wanted these to be quick actionable steps you can take throughout your week. You’ll learn different breathing techniques, ways to shift your mindset, be updated about my monthly breathwork sessions, and much more! You can sign up for The Sacred Minute here! Just scroll to the bottom of the page  Can't wait to have you on the list! 



The Sacred Minute 

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